Why Systematic Expository Preaching?
2017 is drawing near, and with it we're about
to start a new sermon series at Kishwaukee EPC, the church I pastor. As we do, I wanted to offer a brief explanation of my approach to preaching. If
you come to church at Kish this is particularly for you, although
everyone else is of course welcome to the discussion too.
Ever since I've been able to write my
own preaching schedule, my focus has been on preaching through
chunks of Scripture. In my first half a year here in Illinois
we've preached through Colossians and the Sermon on the Mount, each
of which took around three months. This was already a bit of an
adjustment to some, I know, but as I've prayed through what to do next year,
the thing I've kept coming back to is a sense that we should to work our way
through Romans. The whole book. And that will, by my initial
planning, take more than a year.
We'll be talking about “why Romans”
in the intro to series itself, but I wanted to spend a little time here
discussing why I think working through books in this way is important
and should form the foundation of preaching. First, though, let me
offer definitions for a few of the different types of sermons you
might hear.
Topical sermons are
about just that – a topic. Whether it's something theological or
practical, they work through some issue, trying to summarize what the
Bible says about it. There is nothing wrong with topical preaching -
we just finished a brief topical sermon series on God and politics at
Kish. It can be very useful. But topical preaching easily skews
towards what the preacher wants to say. With the whole Bible
available for content, it's very easy to pick and choose which verses
and ideas you want to talk about and avoid any hard stuff.
Textual sermons are
different from topical – they start with a particular text. That
text provides the starting point for the sermon, and perhaps the
basic outline. Or it poses a question to be answered. However, over
the course of the sermon, it moves from the text toward a topic. The
starting text is more of the jumping off point than the destination.
Again, this is fine. And it does constrain the preacher a little
more; for instance, if the text talks about hell or gender or
sexuality, you probably can't completely avoid the subject. That
said, it's still pretty easy to steer a text toward ground that feels
more comfortable.
Expository sermons are
similar to textual sermons, but rather than the biblical text being
the jumping off point, it is the destination. The goal of the sermon
is to explain the text at hand and apply it in particular to our
lives. This doesn't mean you ignore the rest of Scripture – context
is an important part of any text. But it does mean that you bring it
in as it ties into the text under consideration. You are trying to
take the point of this particular text and drive it into the hearts
of God's people. Expository preaching is the most bounded approach to
a text. It forces the preacher to do their best to say what
the text says, even if it's not
how they'd like to approach something.
Systematic preaching isn't
in competition with those approaches; it simply means that the way
you choose your texts for textual or expository sermons is by
preaching through Scripture as it comes. This bounds the preacher
even further, since you don't even get to choose the text you're
starting with. If the next thing Jesus talks about is uncomfortable,
well, then it's going to be a challenging discussion next week.
All of
these types of sermons have a place. There are times that particular
issues arise and the best way to address them is to summon the whole
testimony of Scripture. There are other times that you need to lead
people on a journey from a particular text to somewhere else.
However, I'm committed to the idea that while those are all fine side
dishes, systematic expository preaching should be the main course.
as I stressed above, systematic expository preaching constrains me as
a preacher. I don't just get to address easy stuff or gripe about my
pet peeves (although I'm sure I do some of that anyway.) I'm going to
have to talk about what the text says, like it or not. That makes me
talk about the hard stuff. We just covered the Sermon on the Mount,
and I had to talk about things like divorce and money. Neither one of
which were topics I'd particularly jump at the chance to address on
my own. But I am convinced that it was really good for me to spend
time wrestling with the Bible's teachings on these things, and that
they are good for the church as well. It also makes me talk about
stuff I might otherwise simply neglect, and keeps me from having to
rest my breadth of teaching on my own creativity.
systematic expository preaching actually makes preaching the hard
sermons easier. Because nobody has to wonder about some hidden agenda
the week we address them. The agenda is simply the numbering of the
verses. Nobody had to look around wondering if there was some
marriage on the brink that had prompted the sermon on divorce; nobody
had to wonder if it was their marriage. And this means that we can
enter into a text together as people wrestling with what God says
rather than making me sit apart as judge and jury (and, perhaps,
importantly, though, systematic expository preaching puts me as close
as possible to the power of Scripture itself. I want to be careful
here – there is no approach to Scripture that somehow transmutes my
words about it into God's words. You can screw up and preach wrong
things regardless of your approach, and I never want to claim some
divine imprimatur for my opinions.
said, I really do believe that the central, promised way the Holy
Spirit works and the power of God acts is through the Bible itself.
And so I want as much bible as I can. Not just the power of using the
bible for proof texts. I'm convinced there is power in following the
flow of thought of Scripture, tracing its themes and arguments. There
is power in talking about things with the frequency and in the ways
Scripture does. And I know of no better way to strive for that power
than to let the flow of thought and selection of topic and approach
to that topic found in God's word be imperfectly but honestly
reflected in my words too.
we're going to be systematically, expositorially preaching through
Romans. I'm excited – Romans is in many ways the apostle Paul's
magnum opus, his attempt to summarize for a church he had never
visited the sweeping story of God's work of salvation for mankind.
But more on that later. As we do, I look forward to wrestling
alongside brothers and sisters through every text as it comes,
trusting God to meet us in power through each one.