Pastoral Prayer - Satisfied in You
Father of All,
You have created us to be satisfied in You. You have placed eternity in our hearts. You have made us restless, and our only rest is found in Your presence. We were made to glorify You and enjoy You forever.
Teach our hearts to long for You. Call us to fix our hope on You. To recognize in our longings the truth that it is You who ultimately fulfill them. To recognize in our hurts that it is You alone who bring true healing. To recognize in the face of temptation that You alone can satisfy our restless souls.
Teach this truth also to the world through us. Help us to live in a way that shows the goodness of Your design for humanity. To be lenses through which Your love and care are shown to those desperate for it. To be the agents by which Your kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven.
Most of all, Father, give Yourself to us. Let us experience Your presence in Your Spirit. Let us worship as we behold Your awesome power. Let us glory in the love You showed us in the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Father, do this for all of us, and do this in particular for those we carry in our hearts and minds this morning.
- For those who wander, for those who are seeking satisfaction where they will only find more hurt – make Yourself known to them. Break through the haze of sin and show them the light of Your love and peace.
- For those far away from us, while we ache for the distance – you are as near to them as You are to us. Let them find shelter in You, just as we do.
- As we are especially mindful of veterans today, we pray you would be with those who serve their countries today in militaries and for others in roles of civil service. May they know the comfort of your presence, and may you grant them safety and faithfulness.
- For those who are sick or dying, we pray that You would be a comfort. Bring healing to them, and even more, speak to them that hope that is found in You, a hope that no frailty, not even the grave, could take away.
We pray for these and others who our on our hearts, and we pray for ourselves. May we show forth Your glory by finding our satisfaction in You alone.