An Update on Elizabeth

I just wanted to offer an update on Elizabeth, since I know many of you are holding her and us in your prayers. She seems determined to stay with us for a little while yet. Pain continues to be mostly under control. She is getting progressively weaker, and while she still has periods of lucidity, they are slowly getting less common and shorter. We've also transitioned to having someone awake with her 24/7, so I would appreciate prayers for myself and her parents as we're all somewhat sleep-deprived. The kids continue to process and grieve in their own ways. I've had a number of sweet conversations with them about both our immediate futures and the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Grateful for all of the encouragements, prayers, and practical help so many continue to offer.

Thinking on this old hymn text tonight:

"The soul that on Jesus relies,
He'll never, no never deceive;
He freely and faithfully gives
More blessings than we can conceive;
Yea, down to old age He will keep,
Nor will He forsake us at last;
He knows and is known by His sheep;
They're His, and He will hold them fast."
-William Gadsby