Pastoral Prayer: For Our Nation, May Your Kingdom Come

(This is the prayer we will be joining in this Sunday at the church I pastor in light of the chaotic events of this week.)

LEADER: Heavenly Father,

I am heavy-hearted as I enter your presence this morning. The news of this last week has been especially bleak. People have died. Violence has been done. Crazy pictures on TV, controversy, fear. I watch many who are fast to run to justifications or condemnations, but as your people, we should not hurry to such places. Instead, we should first grieve deeply and pray, “Come, Lord Jesus.”

Hear this our prayer:

PEOPLE: “Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

LEADER: We pray first of all for our nation, the United States of America. It is not our lasting home or true citizenship—we are sojourners and foreigners here—and yet you call us to desire its peace. We are to seek the good of this city where we are in exile. We are to love these our neighbors, and so we pray for this our country.

Hear this our prayer:

PEOPLE: “Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

LEADER: Bring your peace to our country. Inasmuch as you have blessed us beyond our deserving, we pray that you would give further blessing. Inasmuch as we are under your judgment for past and present evils, show mercy and bring conformity to Your good commands. Bring peace especially in these tumultuous times, not a peace that simply ignores our divisions but one that seeks healing and reconciliation. Help us to listen to each other and learn from each other. Help us to look on each other as image-bearers of God, with value and dignity. Give us humility and charity, equity and the true liberty that lies not in indulging our basest desires but in denying them for love.

Hear this our prayer:

PEOPLE: “Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

LEADER: We pray for all those in leadership in these chaotic times, and in the transition of leadership which we are in the midst of. Father, do not give us the leaders we deserve. Work in their hearts that they might do justice, love mercy, and be humbled before You. Guide and direct them. At the same time, let us not idolatrously trust in princes. In them is no true salvation or lasting hope.

Hear this our prayer:

PEOPLE: “Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

LEADER: Father, what we pray the most is that Your salvation might be made manifest in this nation and in all the nations. I confess, Lord, that we as Your people have not worked for peace in this land. Often, we have instead been part of what divides. Sanctify your church. Purify your church. Unify your church. Break all our idols, whether idols of politics or of religion. Teach us to recognize and confess our sins. Shower us with the undeserved grace of Jesus Christ and quicken our hearts with love for Him as we experience that grace. Help us to become outposts of heaven, showing the world a better way.

Hear this our prayer:

PEOPLE: “Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

LEADER: Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Take up Your scepter and reign over us. Subdue all Your enemies, at last subduing death itself, and take Your throne and reign. That is the day when at last our hope will be made sight.