A Prayer for the Rough Days of Parenting
The world is a place of chaos and conflict. I long for this home to be something different, a haven of peace and love, an outpost of the kingdom of heaven on earth. Yet many days it is more like this world than the one to come. The chaos and conflict flare up in our relationships. After all, they arise from our own disordered hearts.
Heavenly parent, fashion me more in your image as I shepherded these little ones through life's storms and their own sin. Let me not be harsh with them, breaking the bruised reed, but teach me like Jesus to absorb their offenses and respond with grace.
I do not have what I need in myself. Deliver me from my impatience as I behold your faithful love. Deliver me from my exhasperation as I remember your tender mercy. Deliver me from my weariness by your upholding strength. Deliver me from my own sin through the blood of the cross and the renewing of your Holy Spirit.
Do this work in me as I parent, Lord, and to do that work in my children which I cannot do myself. Work in them the new birth that is the only soil for true repentance and faith. Work in them the resurrection life wrought by your transforming love. Work in them death to sin and hope in imperishable things. Work in them all that is pleasing in your sight and glorifying to your name.
Father, you created us. You sustain us. You provide for us. You seek us when we are lost and call the unworthy your daughters and sons. May I and my children find in you our lasting inheritance and our true home.