Worship is an Act of War - A Liturgy

(A liturgy of preparation for gathered worship)

Leader: Worship is an act of war.

In the face of Satan’s lies, this is the moment when we join our voices with God’s to declare the truth.

People: In the face of our flesh’s temptation, this is the moment when we commit ourselves once more to His glory.

Leader: In the face of the world’s divisions, this is the moment when we join with those who are natural enemies and show ourselves one in Christ Jesus.

People: In the face of the Accuser’s recriminations, this is the moment we own our sin and declare it covered by the blood of the cross.

Leader: In the face of our own failings, this is the moment we proclaim that Christ is Lord and that His purposes will be accomplished.

People: In the face of the idols and loyalties of the kingdom of earth, this is the moment we see them unmasked and announce the kingdom of heaven arrived in our midst.

Leader: As we sing true songs together, as we bring our prayers as one, as we hear God speak His Word and come to Christ’s table, in all of these things we are doing battle by the power of the Spirit against the darkness of this age.

People: Let us rouse ourselves and join the fight.