Fearless in Sickness - Day 10
(This is part of a series of devotionals for use during coronavirus quarantine. You can download the devotional guide here.)
Scripture Reading: Psalm
One of the
consistent refrains of Scripture is to “wait on the Lord.” Often, our struggles
of faith are actually struggles to understand this calling.
In this age, there
will be much sorrow and trouble. Our world is ravaged by human evil, infested
with dark powers and under divine judgment. While there is still much that is
good in this age, we cannot escape this brokenness. Too often, Christians
expect that the promise of Scripture is that we won’t have to endure the pains
of this age, but that is not our hope.
Our promise is that
God will sustain us through the present and that our future is secure. We will
dwell in His house forever. We will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of
the living. In the end, all things will be made right. As long as it is not all
right, it is not the end. What God gives us is, as it were, a glimpse at the
last chapter of our stories. We know the joy it contains, and it is the
knowledge of this ending that allows us to wait in the present, seeking His
face and walking in His ways.
A Prayer for Patience
There are many
desires that war in our heart. We want happiness, fulfillment, security, and abundance.
Those are not wrong desires. Yet we confess that they lead us into idolatry
because we are impatient. We seek them in our timing, on our terms, and apart
from Your wise provision. Teach us to wait on You, rest in You, and be content
with You, knowing that as You have given us Yourself, so You will surely give
us every good thing. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
A Hymn