Fearless in Sickness - Day 13

(This is part of a series of devotionals for use during coronavirus quarantine. You can download the devotional guide here.)

Scripture Reading: Psalm 126

Too often, we have communicated that it is a Christian’s duty to never be sad. We imagine that the faithful posture is one of eternal serenity, a stiff upper lip, or a smile and laugh in the face of trials.

This Psalm provides a simply, beautiful reminder that this isn’t true. Sorrow is a natural part of the human experience of this world. The question is not whether we grieve – when we remember the blessings of the Lord as things past, when we are faced with their loss, it is right to have tears in our eyes.

The key to obedience is that we seek to be faithful even as we are weeping. The posture of trust says, “Everything is wrong right now, but I will keep going into the field. I will keep planting seeds.” What enables this posture is the knowledge that God is God and that, just as He has blessed us in the past, so His blessings will one day come again, even if the valley of shadow lies between.

A Prayer for Those Who Grieve
You know our sorrow and are near us in our grief. We pray for all those who are heavy with sadness – those who have lost someone to death, those losing their health, and those who mourn the loss of relationships or jobs. Comfort them. Be to them a strong tower and a tender presence. Build up our hearts in Jesus, that though we grieve, we do it as those with hope.

A Hymn
