Fearless in Sickness - Day 12
(This is part of a series of devotionals for use during coronavirus quarantine. You can download the devotional guide here.)
Scripture Reading: Matthew
God’s providence is
his holy and wise upholding and governing of all creation. Just as God formed
the world, so He is at work in it right now in every way. The food that we eat,
the sun on our faces, the rain and the encouragement of friends are all gifts
from His hand. He watches over the sparrow and numbers her days; He watches
over us as well.
God’s providence
does not mean that there isn’t real evil in the world, real rebellion and real
opposition to Him. However, it does mean that even those things rely on Him for
their being and cannot alter His good plans.
There is special
comfort in this teaching when our world seem to be spiraling out of control.
Nothing has come to pass but that which God has permitted. Nothing that will
happen can change His designs. He cares for us and will in His providence give
us what is needful today and do the same tomorrow.
A Prayer for Daily
You teach us to
pray for our bread for today, and so we ask You for it. Give us what we need
for our physical sustenance. Give us what we need for our spiritual
encouragement. Provide for us in this hard moment, and comfort us with the
reminder that You will also provide for tomorrow when it comes. All of this we
pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.