Fearless in Sickness - Day 3
(This is part of a series of devotionals for use during coronavirus quarantine. You can download the devotional guide here.)
Scripture Reading:
Romans 8:28-39
Because we are
God’s children, He is working good for us in all things. Even the dark things.
Even the painful ones. While there are threads of evil in this world, God is
weaving it all into a tapestry of our good and His glory.
How do we know
this? Because of His everlasting love. From eternity past God purposed to save
us, foreknowing and predestining us. In the present God has moved to save us,
calling and justifying us. In the future He will complete this salvation,
glorifying us with Jesus Christ. God’s love transcends time and space, and
therefore no event within time or space could shake this purpose.
We do not know what
tomorrow brings. We do not know what troubles will come. However, we know our
God who holds us and so we can trust that He will not let us be undone or
A Prayer for Those
Who Are Sick
Today we are
mindful of the many whose bodies are afflicted with disease. We pray that You
would be near to them. Great Physician, bring healing to their mortal bodies as
You judge fitting. Comfort them in their agonies and uncertainties. For those
beyond healing, speak to them the hope of Your gracious salvation and their
glorification. Work good in their suffering, blessing in their distress, and life
in their dying. Do this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
A Hymn