Fearless in Sickness - Day 8

(This is part of a series of devotionals for use during coronavirus quarantine. You can download the devotional guide here.)

Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:4-7

The question of faith is not whether we struggle. It is not whether we feel doubts, whether our hearts are at times anxious, or whether we at times wrestle to trust. Instead, the question of faith is where we bring those struggles and doubts. Do we engage with them separated from God, or do we bring them into His presence?

Notice, in our reading, when the peace comes. It is not at the point of resolution. It is not when our questions disappear. Rather, it descends to guard our hearts and minds at the moment that we make our requests known to God. In bringing them before His throne, we are reminded that He is our Father, that He loves us, and that He knows our needs.

Too often, we treat prayer performatively. It is a list of requests to be hurried through. God hears such prayers, but He desires more. He asks us to simply sit in His presence, to experience communion with Him and so be nourished for the battles of this life. Come to Jesus with your fears, your cares, your doubts, and your wrestlings. He is big enough to handle them and kind enough to meet us in their midst.

A Prayer for Those Who Are Alone
In the isolation of this time, we are especially mindful of those who feel alone. Even though all men might forsake us, we know that You are close at hand. Confirm in the hearts of the lonely Your presence, and give them relief. Let them find what community they can in these days, and may Your Holy Spirit make up what is lacking and give them peace. All of this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

A Hymn