Fearless in Sickness - Day 9

(This is part of a series of devotionals for use during coronavirus quarantine. You can download the devotional guide here.)

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 31:1-8

When we say that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed one, we are professing that He is our King. When we name him as King, we don’t simply mean that we obey His commands. We are also naming the reality that Jesus is our Champion. In Him, God goes out before us. He crosses over ahead of us. Because of this, we need not be afraid.

Death is the great power of this age, the looming threat that leaves us all in terror. All pretense and power in the world slowly slides toward entropy. All earthly delights have as their end oblivion. Yet death is not some unknown territory beyond the borders of the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ went ahead of us into it, Jesus Christ won the victory over it, and Jesus Christ emerged from death again, triumphant and alive.

There is no evil Christ has not endured, and there is therefore no evil which we need fear. All the darkness that confronts us, the great darkness of the world and the ordinary darkness of our days – Jesus Christ, the light of the world, has already shone there and is shining there still.

A Prayer for Those Working For Life
We pray for all those who you have placed in our world to fight against the grave. Those in medical professions, those protecting our physical well-being, and those who make decisions about how we are to live in the world – be with them all. Grant them divine wisdom, worldly protection, and the hope that rests finally in You. We pray for them as they work for us, and we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

A Hymn